This study is about five dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism. It was in a
ll cases possible to make visible by ultrasonography the modified parathyro
idea. The lesions were markedly more extensive than the parathyroideas of n
ormal dogs. Their largest size was between 8.1 and 30 mm, in 4 cases the pa
renchyma was anechoic, in one case inhomogeneous and strongly vasculated. T
he diagnosis could be confirmed histologically in all cases, in 3 cases was
an adenoma diagnosed, in the other two cases a carcinoma of the parathyroi
dea. With some experience, the examination is relatively easily practicable
and is particularly induced in dogs with hypercalcemia to differentiate be
tween primary hyperparathyroidism and paraneoplastic hypercalcemia.