A new method which can enhance the scanning angle and elevate the operating
frequency for active scanning leaky-wave antennas is proposed in this pape
r. We know that the characteristics and performance of scanning leaky-wave
antennas are strongly dependent on the variation of the operating frequency
within the leaky-mode region. The self-oscillating doubler without externa
l oscillator sources provides double-frequency variation at the second-harm
onic frequency instead of one-frequency variation at the fundamental freque
ncy. Therefore, the antenna scanning range can be enhanced and the operatin
g frequency can be elevated. The measured scanning angle of this antenna is
13 degrees which agrees well with the predicted 13.7 degrees and the data
show that the frequency-scanning ability of the leaky-wave antenna using a
self-oscillating doubler increases as predicted. This self-oscillating doub
ler design is very simple, and it not only can improve the scanning capabil
ity of the active leaky-wave antenna, but it is also very suitable for mill
imeter-wave active antenna design. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.