The construction of the Diama dam on the Senegal River and the ensuing ecol
ogical changes have led to a massive outbreak of Schistosoma mansoni infect
ion in Northern Senegal, associated with very high intensity of infections,
due to extremely intense transmission. The vectorial capacity of Biomphala
ria pfeifferi from Ndombo, near Richard-Toll was investigated in order to a
ssess the role of the snail-parasite relationship in this particular epidem
iological situation. The results revealed an unusually high compatibility b
etween the Senegalese S. mansoni strain and its local snail intermediate ho
st, B. pfeifferi The snail infection rate after exposure to a single miraci
dium per snail was 87 %. The cercarial production of infected snails was ve
ry high, with a mean total production of 50456 cercariae per snail. No sign
ificant difference was found in the total cercarial output between snails e
xposed to 1 miracidium and those exposed to 5 miracidia. The increase in th
e rate of cercarial output was significantly greater in snails exposed to 5
miracidia, but there was a higher mortality in this group. The chronobiolo
gical cercarial production pattern showed a peak around mid-day. The implic
ations of these findings on the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in Northern
Senegal are discussed.