Image analysis can be expressed as an inverse problem. Given an image, whic
h is the output of some complicated and possibly unknown function, our goal
is to estimate the parameters of that function. Formally, at least, the so
lution to the problem can be found by inverting the function which produced
the image. In practice, this inversion requires two major elements; a feat
ure extractor and a parameter estimator. While: there has been much researc
h into these two elements, they are generally designed separately from one
another. In this paper we introduce an approach to image analysis founded o
n the belief that these two elements should be designed as a pair. We label
our approach 'explicit inversion', because it allows us to replace the pro
blem of implicitly inverting an unknown, possibly high-dimensional function
, with that of explicitly inverting a known, low-dimensional function. As a
result we achieve major time reductions over the standard approaches while
achieving comparable accuracy. (C) 1999 Pattern Recognition Society. Publi
shed by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.