Color Doppler imaging is a noninvasive technique for investigating the retr
obulbar circulation, showing specific retrobulbar vessels Ophthalmology Dep
artment, The Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland and measuri
ng blood velocity characteristics within these vessels. Color Doppler imagi
ng is reproducible and has been used by many investigators to study blood v
elocity in die ophthalmic artery, the central retinal artery, and the short
posterior ciliary: arteries. The technique has shown statistically signifi
cant reductions in the flaw velocities and increases in the resistance indi
ces of these vessels in both primary open-angle glaucoma and nor mal tensio
n glaucoma in comparison with norlnal cclntr.ol subjects. These changes cor
relate with disease severity and asymmetry and illustrate a compromised cir
culation in this region. Intraocular pressure and vasospasm have been shown
to affect blood flow velocities in the same circulation. This article disc
usses studies that have elucidated these changes in various subpopulations
of glaucoma subjects in an attempt to determine hemodynamic alterations bet
ween these disease types. (C) 1999 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights rese