To improve the deep drawing of high-strength TRIP-aided dual-phase (TDP) sh
eet steel, Swift cup test uf a 0.19C-1.54Si 1.52Mn (mass%) TDF steel was in
vestigated at temperatures between 20 degrees C and 250 degrees C. The stee
l exhibited a larger limiting drawing ratio (LDR) than those of the convent
ional ferrite-bainite and ferrite-martensite dual-phase steels without reta
ined austenite. Furthermore, the LDR was enhanced by warm drawing at about
150 degrees C, at which the strain-induced transformation of the retained a
ustenite particles is suppressed most. Such excellent deep drawability was
caused by large local necking resistance due to "the transformation hardeni
ng" and "the stress relaxation" resulting from the strain-induced martensit
e transformation at the cup wall just above the punch bottom, as well as lo
w drawing resistance of the shrinking flange.