S. Tuli et al., LHERMITTE-DUCLOS-DISEASE - LITERATURE-REVIEW AND NOVEL TREATMENT STRATEGY, Canadian journal of neurological sciences, 24(2), 1997, pp. 155-160
Background: Lhermitte-Duclos disease (LDD) is a rare pathologic entity
involving the cerebellum. The fundamental nature of the entity and it
s pathogenesis remain unknown, and considerable debate has centered on
whether it represents a neoplastic, malformative or hamartomatous les
ion. The cell or cells of origin remain incompletely defined. Previous
reports of cases in the English literature have dealt predominantly w
ith the clinical and pathological aspects yet few address issues of tr
eatment. Methods: A case of Lhermitte-Duclos disease (LDD) in a 54-yea
r-old female leading to local compressive symptoms and obstructive hyd
rocephalus is presented. A craniectomy, in addition to a C1 laminectom
y followed by a decompressive duroplasty (using autologous fascia lata
graft) was performed. Results: The patient clinically improved and fo
llow-up MRI 11 months post-operatively revealed improvement in hydroce
phalus. Conclusion: The histological and immunohistochemical features
of the lesion are described, emphasizing the role of an abnormal dyspl
astic granule cell layer. The evidence in favor of each of the major t
heories of pathogenesis, malformative and neoplastic is discussed. Bas
ed on these facts a form of surgical intervention involving decompress
ive duroplasty is proposed.