The relationship between food and cancer is extremely complex. It is genera
lly accepted that diet is a contributory factor in the aetiology of a large
proportion of cancers, but with very few exceptions, we are unable to iden
tify specific causal agents. Many food components have genotoxic potential
and more are produced endogenously during digestion. Conversely, there is i
ncreasing evidence that consumption of some foods may decrease the risk of
cancer, and a number of plant constituents have been shown to have the pote
ntial to inhibit various stages of the carcinogenic process. Yet we have li
ttle understanding of the interactions between the different food-related g
enotoxic and protective factors. A further complication is the variation in
individual susceptibility and vulnerability. As a result we are still not
able to determine the optimal diet for minimising cancer risk. In recogniti
on of these issues, the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAF
F) is funding a number of projects aimed at providing greater mechanistic u
nderstanding of the links between food and cancer, in order to offer detail
ed advice to the public. This report summarises the proceedings of a worksh
op entitled 'Factors influencing the carcinogenicity of food chemicals', he
ld in London on 1 June 1998, providing overviews of some of the key issues,
and demonstrating how the MAFF-funded research is contributing to advances
in these areas. It includes discussion of genetic polymorphisms and how th
ey may contribute to individual susceptibility and help to identify causal
links between food components and colorectal cancer. Biomarkers of DNA dama
ge in human studies and of inhibition of carcinogen activation and endogeno
us formation of genotoxic reactive nitrogen species are examined. Also cons
idered are the potential uses of physiologically based pharmacokinetic mode
lling techniques for providing more accurate estimates of risk and reducing
the uncertainty in extrapolation between species and doses. Research now i
n progress will help to establish the critical risk and protective factors
involved in diet-related colorectal cancers, in order to provide a sound sc
ientific basis for formulation of dietary advice to the public. (C) 1999 El
sevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.