The development of the Global Cassava Development Strategy was initiated in
1996 at a 'brainstorming' meeting convened by the International Fund for A
gricultural Development. Cassava was recognized by the meeting as a food se
curity and commercial crop that lends itself to a commodity-approach to pov
erty alleviation, given the close connection between the poverty level in m
any parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and the role of cassava in th
e cropping and food systems in these areas. However, in order to recognise
and meet the full potential of this crop, a Global Strategy was considered
necessary. The Global Strategy requires a coalition of stakeholders includi
ng cassava producers and their organizations, Governments, the donor commun
ity, technical and research agencies and their networks, non-governmental o
rganizations and their networks, and the private sector in order to achieve
the objectives of the strategy. The Strategy is being developed from a num
ber of country case studies and regional reviews. A review workshop was hel
d in June 1997. A Forum of representatives of all stakeholders will be held
in 1998 to ratify the final strategy and develop a plan for its implementa