In Southeast Asia, schistosomiasis japonica is an important cause of hepati
c fibrosis and gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Reliable methods to investigate
portal hypertension (PHT) clinically and epidemiologically on community le
vel are lacking. Doppler sonography is an established tool for investigatin
g PHT in hospital settings. In Leyte, The Philippines, 137 individuals unde
rwent color Doppler sonography, stool examination, and serology for hepatit
is B and C, liver cell injury and cholestasis. A total of 85% of the study
population had been infected with Schistosoma japonicum. Sonographically, p
eriportal liver fibrosis was seen in 25% and reticular echogenicities (netw
ork pattern) in 44%. Portal blood flow was decreased or portosystemic colla
terals were present in 10% (adults throughout) and correlated with periport
al fibrosis, but not with network lesions. Chronic viral hepatitis was rare
. Thus, hepatic lesions an frequent in adults but not in children in areas
endemic for S, japonicum. Periportal liver fibrosis indicates a risk of PHT
, and network pattern fibrosis apparently does not. Doppler sonography is s
uitable for research under tropical field conditions.