In part I of a previous study [Appl. Opt. 37; 6937 (1998)] we introduced wh
at is believed to be a novel two-dimensional (2-D) fuzzy-logic optical cont
roller. The complexity of such a setup when we deal with an N-dimensional c
ontrol procedure leads to a more compact version both in planning demands a
nd in space. Viewing the pros and cons of the 2-D setup, we seek: a simpler
model and find it in a one-dimensional (1-D) multilayer setup. Here we exp
lain the process of finding the optimal 1-D setup and support the concept w
ith true optical results. The new 1-D optical controller is modular and eas
y to build, and the results that it yields are quite satisfactory. (C) 1999
Optical Society of America. OCIS codes: 050.1970, 200.3050, 230.0230.