Objective: To provide an explanation for diplopia and the inability to fuse
in some patients with macular disease.
Methods: We identified 7 patients from our practices who had binocular dipl
opia concurrent with epiretinal membranes or vitreomacular traction. A revi
ew of the medical records of all patients was performed. In addition to com
plete ophthalmologic and orthoptic examinations, evaluation of aniseikonia
using the Awaya New Aniseikonia Tests (Handaya Co Ltd, Tokyo,Japan) was per
formed on all patients.
Results: All patients were referred for troublesome diplopia. Six of the pa
tients had epiretinal membranes and 1 had vitreomacular traction. All 7 pat
ients had aniseikonia, ranging from 5% to 18%. In 5 of the patients the ima
ge in the involved eye was larger, and in the other 2 patients it was small
er than in the fellow eye. All patients had concomitant small-angle strabis
mus and at least initially did not fuse when the deviation was offset with
a prism. Response to optical management and retinal surgery was variable.
Conclusions: Aniseikonia caused by separation or compression of photorecept
ors can be a contributing factor to the existence of diplopia and the inabi
lity to fuse in patients with macular disease. Concomitant small-angle stra
bismus and the inability to fuse with prisms may lead the clinician to the
incorrect diagnosis of central disruption of fusion. Surgical intervention
does not necessarily improve the aniseikonia.