Only recently have intraocular findings been described in oral-facial-digit
al syndrome (OFDS), including 5 cases of chorioretinal colobomas and 1 case
of optic nerve coloboma. We report a case of a new ocular anomaly associat
ed with this syndrome: a retinal hamartoma in a male infant with OFDS. The
patient had bilateral retinal masses that were suspicious for retinoblastom
a because of a family history of retinoblastoma. Physical examination and i
maging studies of the retinal masses could not differentiate between retino
blastoma, hamartoma, or persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous. Subsequen
t pathologic study of an enucleated globe was diagnostic of a retinal hamar
toma. This case further illustrates the heterogeneity of ocular anomalies i
n OFDS and underscores the importance of a complete ophthalmologic evaluati
on in patients with this syndrome.