Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) of horses is an allergic alter
ation of the lower respiratory tract with obstruction of aerovias and a muc
upurulent bronchiolitis caused by Various allergens.
It is a disease of world wide distribution, being more common in warm count
ries where horses are fed chiefly with hay and are kept in stables for long
periods. In Chile, it has mainly been reported during springtime.
In the present study, 99 straw, mixed hay and alfalfa samples, from 19 Chil
ean horse breeding grounds of the Valdivia and Osorno provinces were analys
ed in order to determine the presence of thermophilic fungus and bacteria.
The most isolated fungi were Asperguillus fumigatus, Mucor hiemalis & A. ni
ger. Thermophilic bacteria were scarce, only isolating Thermoactinomyces vu
lgaris & Saccharopolispora rectivirgula.