Spin-polarised electrons provide unique experimental access to magnetic pro
perties of surfaces and layered structures. The combined use of different t
echniques allows us to develop a microscopic picture of the physics underly
ing the macroscopic magnetic properties, e.g. magnetic phase transitions, m
agnetic coupling phenomena, exceptional surface magnetic properties. In thi
s paper, two techniques are described together with the kind of questions a
ddressed by them. Spin-resolved appearance potential spectroscopy gives loc
al magnetic information about multi-component systems by probing the spin-d
ependent local density of unoccupied states. Spin-resolved inverse photo-em
ission measures specific electron states above the Fermi level. In particul
ar, two-dimensional states serve as magnetic sensors at surfaces. Examples
from surfaces as well as thin-film structures of band and local-moment ferr
omagnets are presented.