The role of N-glycosylation in the pharmacological properties and cell surf
ace expression of ATI receptor was evaluated. Using site-directed mutagenes
is, we substituted both separately and simultaneously the asparagine residu
es in all three putative N-linked glycosylation consensus sequences (N-X-S/
T) of AT(1) receptor (positions 4, 176, and 188) with aspartic acid. Expres
sion of these mutant receptors in COS-7 cells followed by photolabeling wit
h [I-125]-[p-benzoyl-Phe(8)]AngII and SDS-PAGE revealed ligand-receptor com
plexes of four different molecular sizes, indicating that the three N-glyco
sylation sites are actually occupied by oligosaccharides. Binding studies s
howed that the affinity of each mutant receptor for [Sar(1),Ile(8)]Ang II w
as not significantly different from that of wild-type AT(1) receptor. Moreo
ver, the functional properties of all mutant receptors were unaffected as e
valuated by inositol phosphate production. However, the expression levels o
f the aglycosylated mutant were 5-fold lower than that of the wild-type AT(
1) receptor. Use of green fluorescent protein-AT(1) receptor fusion protein
s in studying the cellular location of the aglycosylated mutant demonstrate
d that it was distributed at a much higher density to the ER-Golgi complex
than to the plasma membrane in HEK 293 cells. Together, these results sugge
st an important role of N-glycosylation in the proper trafficking of AT(1)
receptor to the plasma membrane.