In a semi-Markov model, the hazard of making a transition between stages de
pends on the time spent in the current stage but is independent of time spe
nt in other stages. If the initiation time (time of entry into the network)
is not known for some persons and if transition time data are interval cen
sored (i.e., if transition times are not known exactly but are known only t
o have occurred in some interval), then the length of time these persons sp
ent in any stage is not known. We show how a semi-Markov model can still be
fit to interval-censored data with missing initiation times. For the speci
al case of models in which all persons enter the network at the same initia
l stage and proceed through the same succession of stages to a unique absor
bing stage, we present discrete-time nonparametric maximum likelihood estim
ators of the waiting-time distributions for this type of data.