Qualitative and quantitative surveys of crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthast
er planci) abundance were conducted in Laamu Atoll, Republic of Maldives. A
bundance was low, with starfish most abundant in shallow-water Acropora for
mosa patch reefs. Juvenile starfish were observed on reef crests on the out
side of the atoll rim while adults were found on patch reefs. Starfish were
also observed on one fare reef flat. Based upon the available data (includ
ing unpublished government reports), it appears that there are no crown-of-
thorns outbreaks occurring in the Maldives. Given the dispersed nature of t
his island country and thus the difficulty in monitoring all coral reefs, o
utbreaks could occur in more remote areas not generally visited by those ab
le to recognize the importance of recording these occurrences.