Protein hydrolysis and subsequent peptide production appear to be the
links between degradation of protein and production of free amino acid
s in the marine environment. This model has not yet been fully demonst
rated because neither presence of peptides nor peptide hydrolysis has
been directly measured in seawater or sediments. Fluorescent Lucifer Y
ellow (LYA)-derivatives of several peptides were synthesized and teste
d for use as models in an investigation of peptide hydrolysis in seawa
ter and sediment. We demonstrated that these LYA-derivatives behave to
some degree as the natural peptides by showing that LYA-dialanine eff
ectively competes with dialanine (ala(2)) for the active sites of micr
obial hydrolytic enzymes found in seawater. LYA-derivatives of ala(2),
ala-leu and ala(4) hydrolyzed to smaller peptides or free amino acids
in both seawater and sediments. In seawater, hydrolysis of the longer
peptide, LYA-ala(4) was 90 X faster than hydrolysis of LYA-ala(2) and
30 X faster than LYA-ala-leu. In sediments, rapid disappearance of th
e initially-added substrate LYA-ala(4) from pore waters was followed b
y slower production of LYA-ala(3), LYA-ala(2) and LYA-ala. Hydrolysis
was not random; preferential cleavage of certain peptide bonds occurre