One major scientific issue that needs to be resolved and understood in orde
r to design ceramic particle reinforced metal matrix composites is the inte
rfacial energy state between the matrix and the reinforcement. Solid-solid
interfacial energy between the particle and the matrix effects the final in
terface characteristics and also significantly influences the particle redi
stribution due to its effect on particle pushing engulfment by the melt int
erface. The paper analyses the physics behind the particle pushing and engu
lfment by the solidifying interface considering models utilizing interfacia
l force as energy difference between the particle in the solid and particle
in the liquid melt. Various methods of evaluating solid-solid interfacial
energy have been discussed. Velocity of melt interface movement at which th
e particles are engulfed by the matrix referred to as critical velocity of
the system under given conditions has been shown to be directly related to
the interfacial energy. Critical appraisal of experiments to determine the
critical velocity have been presented for aluminium matrix dispersed with z
irconia particles. Advantages of carrying out experiments under mu g enviro
nment have been pointed out.