The construct validity of the Slovak version of the structure of general in
terests questionnaire (Bergmann and Eder, 1992) was tested in the sample of
108 pupils. The Holland's theoretical postulate (1973) concerning the hexa
gonal asserting of interests that represents the theoretical starting point
of the tested questionnaire was confirmed by means of correlation analysis
. The exception is discussed when the positive correlation between the near
-by interests postulated by the model was not confirmed. The correlation of
questionnaire scales with the instrument measuring the different construct
is low according the expectancy, and the tested differences between gender
s were in accord with the findings of authors of the original instrument. T
he six factors structure of the instrument couldn't be convincingly confirm
ed by the factor analysis and first the repeated rotations with elimination
of a number of items enabled author to find the acceptable solution. Where
as the results of factor analysis suppose the elimination or modification o
f a number of items, the correlations of items with scales are satisfactory
convincing and support the opinion that the structure of general interests
questionnaire can be considered as the valid instrument.