Four deletion mutant Dictyostelium myosin II heavy chain genes, My Delta 82
4-941 (Delta 1/3S2), My Delta 934-1454 (Delta S2), My Delta 934-1194 (Delta
S2-1) and My Delta 1157-1454 (Delta S2-2), were transformed by standard el
ectroporation into mhcA- cells (T-null), a mutant Dictyostelium cell devoid
of endogenous myosin II heavy chain gene. The growth, development and form
ation of fruiting bodies of cells expressing those mutant myosin II s under
suspension culture were investigated by comparison with the wild type cell
. The results indicate that internal deletion of myosin II affects the grow
th and development of Dictyostelium. Furthermore, the longer the length of
deletion, the more serious the defect in phenotype.