1. Linkage analysis is performed between basal or salt-sensitive high blood
pressure and several loci on chromosomes in F2 progenies obtained from cro
ssing stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SBR) and normotensive W
istar-Kyoto rats.
2. Basal hypertensive genes are mapped to a region near the D1Mit2 locus on
chromosome 1 and near the D3Mgh8 locus on chromosome 3 in the male and fem
ale F2 progenies.
3. Salt-sensitive hypertensive gene is mapped to a region near RR1023 locus
on chromosome 10 in the male F2 progenies.
4. Salt-sensitive hypertensive gene is mapped to a region near D3Mgh12 locu
s on chromosome 3 in the female F2 progenies.