J. Ness et al., Diabetes mellitus in older African-Americans, Hispanics, and whites in an academic hospital-based geriatrics practice, CORON ART D, 10(5), 1999, pp. 343-346
Background Diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for target-organ damage/clini
cal cardiovascular disease in older persons.
Design A retrospective analysis was performed of charts from all older pers
ons (506 men and 1497 women, mean age 80+/-8 years) seen during the period
from 1 January 1998 to October 1998 at an academic hospital-based geriatric
s practice, to investigate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus, and the pre
valence, in patients with diabetes, of target-organ damage/clinical cardiov
ascular disease, hypertension, hypertension or dyslipidaemia, obesity, the
drugs used to treat diabetes, and poor glycaemic control.
Results Diabetes mellitus occurred in 127 of 1150 whites (11%), in 93 of 44
4 African-Americans (21%), in 111 of 381 Hispanics (29%), and in four of 28
Asians (14%) (P < 0.001 comparing Hispanics with whites and comparing Afri
can-Americans with whites; P < 0.01 comparing Hispanics with African-Americ
ans). Of 335 patients with diabetes, 146 (44%) had coronary disease, 94 (28
%) had stroke or transient cerebral ischaemic attack, 86 (26%) had peripher
al arterial disease, 65 (19%) had heart failure, 107 (32%) had nephropathy,
71 (21%) had retinopathy, 47 (14%) had neuropathy, 284 (85%) had target-or
gan damage/clinical cardiovascular disease, 252 (75%) had hypertension, 300
(90%) had hypertension or dyslipidaemia, and 152 (45%) had obesity. The pr
evalence of stroke or transient cerebral ischaemic attack was greater in ol
der African-Americans with diabetes mellitus than in older whites with diab
etes mellitus (P < 0.02). The prevalence of diabetic nephropathy and of tar
get-organ damage/clinical cardiovascular disease was greater in older Afric
an-Americans with diabetes mellitus than in older whites (P < 0.02) and His
panics (P < 0.05) with diabetes mellitus. Increased concentrations of glyco
sylated haemoglobin (> 7%) occurred in 28 of 86 African-Americans (33%), in
69 of 104 Hispanics (66%), and in 23 of 118 whites (19%) (P < 0.001 compar
ing Hispanics with whites and comparing Hispanics with African-Americans; P
< 0.05 comparing African-Americans with whites).
Conclusions The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in 2003 older persons seen
in an academic hospital-based geriatrics practice was 17% and was greater i
n Hispanics than in whites or African-Americans, and greater in African-Ame
ricans than in whites. The prevalence of target-organ damage/clinical cardi
ovascular disease was 86% in 335 older patients with diabetes. The prevalen
ce of stroke or transient cerebral ischaemic attack was greater in older Af
rican-Americans with diabetes mellitus than in older whites with the disord
er. The prevalence of diabetic nephropathy and of target-organ damage/clini
cal cardiovascular disease was greater in older African-Americans with diab
etes mellitus than in older whites and Hispanics with diabetes mellitus. Th
e prevalence of poor glycaemic control was greater in Hispanics than in whi
tes or African-Americans and greater in African-Americans than in whites. C
oronary Artery Dis 10:343-346 (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.