Threshold stress in constant load tests and critical stress In constant str
ain tests for sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of seven tubular stee
ls were measured. Percent reduction in area loss caused by SCC of four tubu
lar steels also were measured. Results showed there was no interrelationshi
p among the three parameters for sulfide SCC. The threshold stress for hydr
ogen-induced delayed failure during charging in the sulfuric acid (H2SO4) s
olution in the constant load test decreased linearly with the logarithm of
the concentration of diffusible hydrogen for four tubular steels. Threshold
stresses obtained during dynamic charging with the current corresponding t
o the diffusible hydrogen concentration during immersing in hydrogen sulfid
e (H2S) solution were consistent with the threshold stresses for sulfide SC
C. Therefore, the threshold stress for sulfide SCC cart be measured using d
ynamic charging in the H2SO4 solution.