Ia. Castellanos et R. Gasca, Epipelagic euphausids (Euphausiacea) and spring mesoscale features in the Gulf of Mexico, CRUSTACEANA, 72, 1999, pp. 391-404
The abundance and distribution of 21 species of euphausids collected in sur
face waters (0-200 m) at 69 stations of the Gulf of Mexico and the Yucatan
Shelf was analyzed. Zooplankton samples were taken during the JS8601 cruise
on board the RN "Justo Sierra" of the UNAM, in April-May, 1986. During thi
s survey mesoscale hydrographic features such as anticyclonic and cyclonic
gyres, and upwelling, were detected in the area. The most abundant species
was Stylocheiron carinatum (29.86%), followed by Euphausia tenera (19.97%)
and S. suhmi (15.18%). Species richness increased at night: densities were
3.07 times higher then. Apparently, the migratory behaviour, of euphausids
buffered the expected effect of the mesoscale features in the local euphaus
id community. The Bray-Curtis Index revealed three clusters of stations. Th
e first one represented the influence of coastal and shelf waters on the eu
phausid community. The second group is a mixed oceanic-shelf community, and
the third one was related to the Gulf oligotrophic oceanic waters. A fourt
h group included shallow areas in which no euphausids occurred. The relativ
ely poor anticyclonic eddies did not influence the local euphausid communit
y although low euphausid densities were expected. The relatively richer fea
tures, the cyclones, showed higher average densities. Euphausid densities r
elated to the influence of upwelling areas showed density values similar to
those recorded in the anticyclones. Two species (S. suhmi and S. carinatum
) occurred in all the Gulf of Mexico regardless of the mesoscale environmen
ts or the time of day.