V. Nova et F. Louda, Variations of body measurements as growth indicators in bullocks and heifers of Czech Pied and Limousin breeds and their crossbreds, CZEC J ANIM, 44(6), 1999, pp. 241-247
Seventeen body measurements were investigated that characterize the growth
and muscling of bullocks and heifers of Czech Pied (C) and Limousin (Li) br
eeds and their crossbreds. Measurements were determined at the age of 120,
210 and 365 days. The data were statistically processed by a linear model o
f SAS statistic program. It was demonstrated for most body measurements at
the age of 120 days that the highest average values were recorded in bulloc
ks and heifers of the same genotype. Bullocks and heifers of Limousin breed
had the highest average values of front and middle width of pelvis, of fro
nt and rear width of loins measured with a pair of compasses and of front a
nd rear width of loins measured with a tape. Taped length of leg, girth of
chest at sacrum, direct and taped body length, height at withers and at sac
rum and diagonal body length were highest in bullocks and heifers of C x Li
crossbreds. The highest average values of rear width of pelvis, half-circu
mference of thighs and girth of chest were determined in C x Li bullocks an
d Li heifers; C x Li bullocks and C heifers had the largest metacarpal circ
umference. The lowest average values of all body measurements (except metac
arpal circumference) were determined in bullocks of C breed. Heifers had th
e lowest average values of most body measurements in C breed, but the avera
ge values of direct, taped and diagonal body length and metacarpal circumfe
rence were lowest in Li breed. Bullocks and heifers were found to have the
highest average values for the same genotype at 210 days of age. All body m
easurements determined on loins, taped leg length, girth of chest, girth of
chest at sacrum, direct body length, taped body length, height at withers
and at sacrum, diagonal body length and metacarpal circumference were large
st in bullocks and heifers of C x Li crossbreds. The half-circumference of
thighs in bullocks and heifers was largest in Li breed while the taped leng
th of leg had the same value in Li bullocks and C x Li bullocks. The highes
t average values of front and middle width of pelvis were determined in C x
Li bullocks and C heifers, the highest average value of rear width of pelv
is was recorded in C x Li bullocks and Li heifers. Li breed had the lowest
average values of most body measurements in bullocks and heifers. The circu
mference of thighs, taped length of leg and rear width of pelvis were small
est in bullocks and heifers of C breed. Front width of loins measured with
a pair of compasses was smallest in C bullocks and Li heifers. Bullocks and
heifers had the highest average values for different genotypes at 365 days
of age. The highest average values of middle width of pelvis, rear width o
f loins measured with a pair of compasses, taped length of leg, girth of ch
est, girth of chest at sacrum, taped body length, height at withers and at
sacrum, and diagonal body length were determined in C x Li bullocks and C h
eifers, the highest average values of rear width of pelvis were found in Li
bullocks and C heifers. Front width of pelvis, direct body length and meta
carpal circumference were largest in bullocks and heifers of C breed while
front width of loins measured with a pair of compasses, front and rear widt
h of loins measured with a tape and half-circumference of thighs were large
st in C x Li bullocks and heifers. The lowest average values of most body m
easurements were determined in bullocks and heifers of Li breed. Half-circu
mference of thighs was smallest in bullocks and heifers of C breed, rear wi
dth of pelvis was smallest in. C bullocks and Li heifers. The above results
document heterosis effect at 120 and 210 days of age for the size of body
frame in crossbred bullocks and heifers.
Heterosis effect at 365 days of age was obvious mainly in C x Li bullocks,
but not in C x Li heifers. It follows from statistical data processing that
the highest growth rate was observed in crossbred bullocks and heifers unt
il 120 days of age. Li breed had the higher growth rate than C breed in tha
t period. The highest growth rate between 120 and 210 days of age was deter
mined in crossbred bullocks and heifers. Li breed had the lowest growth rat
e of bullocks and heifers at the age of 210 to 365 days if compared with Cz
ech Pied cattle and crossbreds - the lowest values of almost all body measu
rements were recorded in bullocks and heifers of Li breed. Only the half-ci
rcumference of thighs was smallest in bullocks and heifers of Czech Pied br
eed. The highest growth rate at that period was determined in bullocks-cros
sbreds and in heifers of C breed.