The transformation of psychiatric care which has been carried out in Spain
since the 1980s, under the name of "Psychiatric Reform", had produced as it
most significant achievements: (i) the development of a new organizational
structure for mental health care, (ii) the integration of psychiatric pati
ents in the general health care system, (iii) the creation of an extensive
community network of mental health centers, and (iv) the adoption by the ge
neral public of more positive attitudes towards mental illness and its trea
tment and the passing of legislative measures aimed at improving the civil
rights of these patients. However, the application of the Psychiatric Refor
m has followed an uneven course in Spain as a whole, with marked difference
s between the different autonomous communities. The main deficiency has bee
n in the development of intermediate community services and programs to reh
abilitate and resettle patients in the community. With regard to deinstitut
ionalization, the results have also been insufficient and it is still possi
ble to observe a strong tendency, within the system, to maintain the old me
ntal hospitals for both long-term and short-term illness can. Finally, the
analysis of the Spanish experience has revealed that (i) many of the critic
isms leveled at deinstitutionalization are not aimed at its "conceptual cor
e" but stem from its inadequate implementation, and (ii) it is wrong to equ
ate deinstitutionalization and psychiatric reform with closure of psychiatr
ic hospitals, without the awareness that this process is far more complex.