A non-uniform current, such as may be generated by long internal waves, int
eracts with short surface waves and causes patterns on the sea surface that
are of interest. In particular, regions of steep breaking waves may be rel
evant to specular radar scattering.
A simple approach to modelling this problem is to take a set of short, surf
ace waves of uniform wavenumber on the sea surface, as may be caused by a g
ust of wind. The direction of propagation of the surface waves is firstly t
aken to be the same as that of the current, and surface tension and viscous
effects are neglected. We have a number of methods of solution at our disp
osal: linear (one-dimensional) ray theory is simple to apply to the problem
, a nonlinear Schrodinger equation for the modulated wave amplitude, modifi
ed to include to effect of the current, can be used and solutions can be fo
und using a fully nonlinear irrotational flow solver. Comparisons between t
he 'exact' nonlinear calculations for two dimensions (which are too complic
ated/ computationally intensive to be extended to three dimensions) compare
well with the two approximate methods of solution, both of which can be ex
tended, within their limitations, to model the full three-dimensional probl
em; here we present three-dimensional results from the linear ray theory.
By choosing such a simple (although we consider physically realistic) initi
al state of uniform wavenumber short waves and assuming a sinusoidal surfac
e current, we can reduce the two-dimensional problem to dependence on three
non-dimensional parameters.
In three-dimensions, we consider an initial condition with a uniform wavetr
ain at an angle alpha say, to the propagating current, thus introducing a f
ourth parameter into the problem. Extension of the linear ray theory from o
ne space to two space dimensions is numerically quite simple since we maint
ain uniformity, in the direction perpendicular to the current, and the only
difficulty lies with the presentation of results, due to the large number
of variables now present in the problem such as initial wavenumber, angle o
f propagation, position in (x, y, t) space etc. In this paper we present ju
st one solution in detail where waves are strongly refracted and form two d
istinct foci in space-time. There is a collimation of the short waves with
the direction of the propagating current. (C) Elsevier, Paris.