Energy balance of female rats that were either injected daily with eth
anol or received the alcohol by gavage was determined and the results
compared with saline animals. Food intake, feces elimination, and body
weight were recorded daily. After a 20-day period of treatment the an
imals were sacrificed and the energy content of the carcasses and fece
s was determined by bomb calorimetry. The results indicated that ethan
ol-injected animals underwent an impairment in the energy balance, wit
h losses in body weight and body energy. Also, there was a decrease in
metabolizable energy intake. The results of a group of saline rats pa
ir-fed to alcohol-injected rats showed that the impairment of the ener
gy balance was not only a consequence of the decreased energy intake,
because the ethanol-fed animals had an energy balance that was worse t
han the one of the pair-fed rats, even though both had eaten the same
amount of food Nevertheless, when alcohol was given by gavage, no alte
ration in the energy balance parameters was detected. Macroscopic obse
rvation of the abdominal cavity showed adherences in the gut of the al
cohol-injected animals. It is concluded that the ethanol by itself doe
s not alter the energy balance; however, depending on the route of adm
inistration it could indirectly impair the energy balance. Copyright (
C) 1996 Elsevier Science Inc.