Viscoelastic properties of curdlan gels and its aqueous suspensions of vari
ous concentrations were investigated by creep tests and oscillatory dynamic
experiments to analyze its gelling characteristics. Temperature dependence
of viscoelasticity of the curdlan gel suggested that with increasing heati
ng temperature, interactions between curdlan molecules, forming a three-dim
ensional network, became stronger and the number of elastically active chai
ns increased, which made the gel more elastic or solid-like. It also sugges
ted that the transition temperature from thermo-reversible to irreversible
gel was concentration-dependent. Increase in concentration lowered the irre
versible-gel formation temperature from the generally reported 80 degrees C
and decreased the amount of the thermo-reversible component in the gel. Re
sults from both differential scanning calorimetry analyses and thermal scan
ning rheological measurements of curdlan supported this, suggesting that in
crease in concentration promoted hydrophobic interactions between the molec
ules at a lower temperature than at 80 degrees C, which contributed to the
thermo-irreversibility of the gel. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All right
s reserved.