The geomorphic and sedimentological evidence for former sea-level changes i
n the exposed coastline of western Jura shows a clear coastal response to p
ast changes in climate. In particular the rapid and high-magnitude climate
changes associated with the onset and termination of the Younger Dryas appe
ar to have been accompanied by major changes in coastal response. In wester
n Jura, the temperate climate of the Lateglacial Interstadial was associate
d with beach-ridge deposition, with the earlier part of this period being a
ssociated with larger ridges than the latter. By contrast, the cold climate
during the Younger Dryas appears to have been dominated by frost processes
, sea-ice development and rapid rates of coastal erosion of bedrock. Cold-c
limate shore erosion of bedrock appears to have ended suddenly at the close
of the Younger Dryas.