With increasing evidence on the role of endogenous nitric oxide in the spla
nchnic hyperdynamics, the existence of esophageal varix induced by hepatope
tal flow of portal hypertension in a cirrhotic patient has become more conv
incing. Herein, we report 2 cases of esophageal varix caused by local hyper
dynamic states of the right, left and posterior gastric arteries, respectiv
ely. Angiographic evidence suggests the existence of forward flows via the
submucosal A-V shunt of the gastric arteries as the etiologic causes of the
varices. The treatment of the current cases was unsatisfactory due to impr
oper recognition of the local hyperdynamic state before the treatment. Unli
ke the "backward flow"-type esophageal varix, the treatment strategies of t
he "forward flow"-type esophageal varix of hyperdynamic state caused by spl
anchnic A-V shunts should be considered differently.