A growth factor is the ratio of the T-year extreme value to an index extrem
e value such as the mean of annual maxima. Whereas a record length of ten o
r more years may suffice to estimate the index variable, it is generally ne
cessary to blend data from several sites if estimates of exceptional extrem
e values are to be obtained. Methods of rainfall growth estimation are revi
ewed, including traditional methods which extend frequency curves to long r
eturn period by a distributional assumption, and methods which study spatia
l dependence in extreme rainfalls. It is desirable that estimates at neighb
ouring sites, and across different durations and return periods, are intern
ally consistent. The review concludes that rather special techniques may be
required if this goal of estimating extreme rainfall depths consistently i
s to be met. The motivation of the Focused Rainfall Growth Extension (FORGE
X) method is presented.