The paper presents a time-domain design methodology for optimal digital des
ign of multivariable sampled-data parametric uncertain systems using geneti
c algorithms (GAs). A continuous-time parametric uncertain plant, cascaded
with an analogue parametric uncertain prefilter is formulated by means of m
ultiple linear cascaded continuous-time nominal models, generated from the
perturbed system and prefilter parameters via the GAs. For each linear casc
aded analogue nominal model, an optimal analogue controller with regional e
igenvalue placement is designed. Then, a new digital redesign method, takin
g into account the closed-loop intersample behaviour, is developed to conve
rt the optimal analogue controller into a PAM or PWM digital controller for
digital control of the continuous-time plant cascaded with a digitised pre
filter. The global optimisation searching technique provided in GAs is empl
oyed to determine the digital interval plant, prefilter and controller from
the obtained respective multiple linear digital models for finding the ran
ges of their respective implementation errors. As a result, the obtained di
gital models and controller perfected by the design engineer can be practic
ally implemented. Also, the searching technique is utilised to redetermine
the practically implementable optimal PAM or PWM digital controller cascade
d with a digital prefilter for optimal digital control of the multivariable
sampled-data parametric uncertain system.