Linear multiconductor transmission lints can be effectively represented in
the time domain as a dynamic multiport through the describing input and tra
nsfer impulse responses, Unfortunately, these responses cannot be analytica
lly evaluated for the most general case of lossy lines. In addition, they c
annot even be evaluated numerically due to the presence of irregular terms
such as Dirac pulses, functions that actually approximates Dirac pulses, an
d functions of the type 1/root t. Nevertheless, all these irregular terms c
an be isolated from the regular ones. This paper proposes an analytical met
hod to evaluate exactly the irregular terms. This method is based on the pe
rturbation theory of the spectrum of symmetric matrices and can be easily a
nd effectively applied to the most general case of frequency-dependent loss
y multiconductor lines. Once the irregular parts of the impulse responses a
re known, it is possible to evaluate accurately the regular ones through si
mple numerical methods, as shown through some examples.