New third generation x-ray sources such as the Advanced Photon Source have
created a need for a detector that can provide multiple frames of detailed
x-ray images on the millisecond time:scale. Such detectors will prove inval
uable in applications, such as time-resolved x-ray diffraction, x-ray micro
tomography, as well as materials science applications like polymer processi
ng. Currently, detectors capable of acquiring high resolution x-ray images
at such high Speed do not exist, thus limiting progress in many of these im
portant areas of research.
To address these needs we have developed a prototype fast x-ray imaging sys
tem, using a structured CsI(Tl) scintillator coupled to a fast-frame 1K x 1
K CCD. The system has been successfully employed to capture 1024 x 64 pixel
x-ray images at a rate of 1000 frames per second (fps) with a 12 bit dynam
ic range. The system exceeds the capabilities of the current high speed x-r
ay imaging systems which typically operate at the rate of 30 fps.
Fabrication of a large area detector is currently underway, using a microst
ructured CsI(TI) scintillator coupled to a fast-frame CCD with a 3:1 fibero
ptic taper. The camera will operate in a burst mode, acquiring 8 1K x 1K im
ages at rates up to: 1000 frames per second with 12 bit dynamic range. High
er image capture speeds can be accomplished by reducing the image area. Thi
s paper will discuss the specific characteristics of the CsI(Tl) screens, e
xperimental details of the prototype and the new design for the large area
detector being developed specifically for time-resolved x-ray diffraction e
xperiments in structural biology.