Fifteen Swedish populations of the threatened epiphytic moss Neckera pennat
a Hedw. were surveyed for genetic variation by use of enzyme electrophoresi
s. Seven genotypes were detected from 12 scored loci. The genotypes could b
e divided into two groups, with specific alleles at four loci. The genetic
identity between the genotype groups (0.641) is comparable to identities be
tween congeneric species based on previous studies of mosses. Moreover, the
se groups occurred sympatrically with no apparent sexual recombination, imp
lying the possibility of sibling speciation. A morphological analysis revea
led minor differences between the genotype,groups. Possible reasons for the
lack of recombinant genotypes are discussed. In addition, genetic and morp
hological analyses were performed to compare N. pennata and N. oligocarpa B
ruch, which are considered distinct species by some bryologists and varieti
es of the same species by others. Clear morphological differences and a gen
etic differentiation of the same magnitude as the genotype groups of N. pen
nata were revealed.