This paper describes a numerical method for the solution of plasma fluid eq
uations on block-structured, locally refined grids. The plasmas under consi
deration are typical of those used for the processing of semiconductors. Th
e governing equations consist of a drift-diffusion model of the electrons,
together with an energy equation, coupled via Poisson's equation to a syste
m of Euler equations for each ion species augmented with electric held, col
lisional, and source/sink terms. A discretization previously developed for
a uniform spatial grid is generalized to enable local grid refinement. This
extension involves the time integration of the discrete system on a hierar
chy of levels, each of which represents a degree of refinement, together wi
th synchronization steps to ensure consistency across levels. This approach
represents an advancement of methodologies developed for neutral flows usi
ng block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) to include the significa
nt additional effect of the electrostatic forces that couple the ion and el
ectron fluid components. Numerical results that assess the accuracy and eff
iciency of the method and illustrate the importance of using adequate resol
ution are also presented.