In the epidermal compartment of skin, keratinocytes (KC), Langerhans cells
(LC), and their soluble products, i.e. cytokines, constitute a unique immun
ologic microenvironment. KC participate in cutaneous immune responses by pr
oducing various cytokines, LC, a member of the dendritic cell(DC) family, r
epresent the professional antigen-presenting cells in the epidermis. Althou
gh it has been demonstrated that migration of LC from skin to lymph nodes i
s a critical step for the antigen presentation, molecular mechanisms for su
ch an event remain unclear. Recent studies suggest that cytokines are able
to modulate LC/DC migration. There is accumulating evidence that proinflamm
atory cytokines including interleukin (IL)-1 and tumor necrosis factor cu p
romote LC emigration from the skin, whereas the anti-inflammatory cytokine
IL-10 is a counter-regulator. LC/DC express chemokine receptors, Chemokines
generated from lymphatic endothelial cells and lymph node cells play a rol
e in the directional migration of LC/DC into lymph nodes, This article revi
ews current studies on the role of cytokines in LC/DC migration.