Novel bacteria: The appearance of novel bacterial species among Cram p
ositive microorganisms is mainly related to progress in bacterial taxo
nomy justifying such nomen species, ie. C.jeikeium, C.urealyticum or R
.equi. Another feature of such emergence of ''Novel'' bacteria is rela
ted to the rise in the number of clinical observations mediated by som
e well-known species described elsewhere such as in food bacteriology.
Predisposing factors: Among Cram positive microorganisms, emergence f
or some species and renaissance or rebirth for others is mainly explai
ned by natural resistance to widely used antibiotics including R-lacta
ms such as third-gene ration cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, or more
recently glycopeptides and the combined effect of several predisposing
factors (hospitalized patients, underlying disease or prematurity, in
terruption of the normal integumentary defense via intravascular cathe
ters). Clinical features depend on the bacterial species. Bacteriologi
cal diagnosis is easily obtained in terms of isolation and identificat
ion. Nevertheless, as for any opportunistic pathogen, a distinction mu
st be made between colonization and infection. Finally successful trea
tment regimens depend on the bacterial species and may include surgery