Nationally, much attention has been placed on the indiscriminate applicatio
n and abuse of restraint usage. This was the impetus for health care instit
utions across the country to relook at the policy, practices, and procedure
s regarding restraints. Our health care system made changes to our restrain
t policy, practice guidelines, and procedures in an effort to assure protec
tion of the patients' health and safety while preserving their dignity, rig
hts, and well-being. The mission was to pursue a restraint-appropriate envi
ronment by restraining only those patients who were assessed as being at ri
sk of harming self and to protect the patient or others from injury. Our ov
erall goal was to reduce restraint usage. This article describes the curren
t policies, practice guidelines, and procedures for identifying clinically
appropriate and adequately justified situations for restraint usage. The fo
cus is on implementation of nurse-driven restraint protocols to improve pat
ient care. All efforts directed at improvements in restraint usage and mana
gement of a patient in restraints has reduced our overall numbers of patien
ts in restraints as well as significantly reduced risk of incidence for pat
ients In restraints.