Ultrastructural observation was performed on a calcifying odontogenic cyst
(COC) associated with an odontoma and arising in the right mandibular regio
n of an 8-year-old Japanese boy. Four types of cells were identified in the
epithelial layer of the COG. The basal cells were low columnar in shape an
d contained some intracellular organelles. They were attached to the neighb
oring cells with a few desmosomes and resembled inner enamel epithelium of
the normal enamel organ. The stellate reticulum-like cells, polygonal in sh
ape, possessed desmosomes and many cytoplasmic projections. Some intracellu
lar organelles and a few bundles of tonofilaments were observed in the cyto
plasm. The light oval cells that were pale staining with toluidine blue con
tained dilated membranous organelles and many relatively evenly distributed
tonofilaments. These cells were usually scattered in the vicinity of the f
ocal accumulations of ghost cells, and the cell membrane was discontinuous
in parts. The ghost cells contained many bundles of tonofilaments that were
60-240 nm in diameter and arranged in various directions. No intact intrac
ellular organelles were noted in the cytoplasm. They were attached to the n
eighboring ghost cells with some desmosomes and their cell membrane Mras di
scontinuous in parts. A variety of vesicles, 90-450 nm in diameter, were sc
attered among the tonofilament bundles. Some of these contained needle-like
crystals that were considered to be initial calcification sites in ghost c
ells. These vesicles presented morphological similarities to matrix vesicle
s, and it is therefore suggested that matrix vesicle-like structures are de
eply involved with initiation of calcification of ghost cells in COC.