Correct estimation of the pressure drop in filtration processes that involv
e fluid velocity variations is of major importance, because it allows the f
iltration rate and/or the energy consumed on fluid flow to be more accurate
ly controlled. Permeability of porous filters has been often described by F
orchheimer's equation, which establishes a nonlinear dependence between pre
ssure drop and fluid velocity. Two constants, k(1) and k(2), dependent only
on the medium, quantify the viscous and inertial effects on the pressure d
rop curve. In this work, experimental data of airflow through 10 pores per
linear inch ceramic foam filters are used to show that a single sample may
have completely distinct permeability constants depending on the data range
chosen for analysis. The Darcian permeability constant k(1) displays highe
r variation than the non-Darcian permeability constant k(2). The conclusion
is that special attention must be taken to represent permeability of highl
y porous structures in a large velocity range. The predictability of Forchh
eimer's equation generally worsens when less data are included in the curve
fitting, particularly at low velocities. Careful consideration should be m
ade if constants k(1) and k(2) are intended to be used for permeability est
imation beyond the fitting range.