Physiological systems models for ruminant animals are used to predict the e
xtent of ruminal carbohydrate digestion, based on rates of intake, digestio
n, and passage to the lower tract. Digestion of feed carbohydrates is descr
ibed in these models by a first-order rate constant. Recently, an in vitro
gas production technique has been developed to determine the digestion kine
tics in batch fermentation, and nonlinear mathematical models have been fit
ted to the cumulative gas production data from these experiments. In this p
aper, we present an analysis that converts these gas production models to a
n effective first-order rate constant that can be used directly in rumen sy
stems models. The analysis considers the digestion of an incremental mass o
f substrate entering the rumen. The occurrence of passage is represented pr
obabilistically, and integration through time gives the total mass of subst
rate and total rate of digestion in the rumen. To demonstrate the analysis,
several gas production models are fitted to a sample data set for corn sil
age, and the effective first-order rate constants are calculated. The rate
constants for digestion depend on ruminal passage rate, an interaction that
arises from the nonlinearity of the gas production models. (C) 1999 Elsevi
er Science Inc. All rights reserved.