We present a case of a 38 year old woman with nephrotic syndrome and skin r
ash. She had been previously healthy. At the beginning she showed nonprurit
ic macular papular lesion in trunk and upper and lower extremities with twe
nty days of evolution. The week previous to hospitalization, she presented
eyelid and pretibial edema. The laboratory informed normal kidney function
with proteinuria of 10 g/day, plasma proteins of 4.20 g/dl., cholesterol 33
4 mg/l, VDRL (+), 1/32 FTA abs (+) HIV non reactive, normal collagenogram.
She was diagnosed as secondary syphilitic nephrotic syndrome. She was presc
ribed penicillin, rest and salt restriction. She presented good evolution b
efore ending treatment and the syndrome was completely solved at the third
week. The incidence of kidney condition associated with early staging of sy
philis is lower than 0.3%. We call attention to this association, for such
an uncommon case may not be detected.