This paper presents an agent communication platform named MIPLACE equipped
with agent monitoring, tracing, security and registration functions in addi
tion to the basic functions, such as movement, cooperation and so on. Inter
est in agent communication technology, which realizes a variety of communic
ation services using agent oriented softwares, is raised as one of new dist
ributed processing technologies corresponding to modern wide-area networks.
Agent communication platforms which provide an agent development environme
nt and an agent execution environment are announced from software vendors a
nd communication service providers. In the technologies, studies of various
techniques, such as process migration and security, are, proposed. In this
paper, we take notice of the facility for the agent software development a
nd the management in order to provide the users and developers of agent sof
tware more useful agent communication platform besides the basic functions.
In particular, MIPLACE provides sophisticated and effective GUI so that op
erators can use the functions easily and develop necessary communication se