MORPHINE tolerance and dependence were investigated in scopolamine-treated
rats. The results showed that scopolamine treatment (up to 2 mg/kg) did not
affect basal line or morphine-induced latency in the tail-flick test but s
ignificantly increased the escape latency in the Morris water-maze task. Go
-administration of scopolamine could considerably attenuate development of
morphine tolerance and naloxone-precipitated with-drawal al syndrome. Pretr
eatment of scopolamine for 7 days prior to morphine administration also sig
nificantly reduced the tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. Scopolamine treat
ment was further shown to attenuate morphine-induced conditioned place pref
erence, an indicator of morphine psychological dependence. The present stud
y demonstrated the attenuation of morphine tolerance and dependence in scop
olamine-treated animals, probably related to scopolamine-produced learning
and memory impairment. NeuroReport 10:2007-2010 (C) 1999 Lippincott William
s & Wilkins.