Healthy workplaces help to prevent occupational disease and injury as well
as promoting positive healthy lifestyle behaviours. The concept of creating
healthy workplaces through workplace health promotion has been identified
as a legitimate area of activity for public health policy in Northern Irela
nd, supporting as it does, the settings approach as a means of improving th
e health and well-being of the population at large. Benefits accrue to busi
nesses, organizations and individuals from the enhancement of positive heal
thy lifestyle messages in addition to reinforcing the principles of good oc
cupational health practices. Developing a framework for the creation of hea
lthy workplaces is part of a joint initiative between the Northern Ireland
Health Promotion and Health and Safety Agencies. Commitment to delivering t
he concept is required from all the key players who include: employers, emp
loyees, trade union groups and health and safety professionals. A healthy w
orkplace model needs to be created which is flexible and adaptable to suit
all types of business and in particular the needs of small businesses which
predominate in Northern Ireland. The principles underpinning the Business
Excellence Model may be a useful vehicle for delivering workplace health pr
omotion onto an organization's agenda.