Fatty acid composition of vacuolar membrane lipids from plant storage tissu
es was studied, and possible pathways of the biosynthesis of these acids we
re considered. A high level of unsaturated fatty acids (up to 77% of the to
tal) was characteristic of these membrane lipids. Linoleic acid predominate
d in the vacuolar lipids of carrot and red beet (54.2 and 44.2%, respective
ly), and a-linolenic acid was most abundant in the lipids of turnip and rad
ish (39.7 and 33.2%, respectively). Palmitic acid was the predominant satur
ated acid, comprising 20.0-24.0% of total fatty acids, in the vacuolar lipi
ds of radish, carrot, and red beet. Petroselinic acid (4.4-5.4%) was detect
ed in the vacuolar lipids of radish, carrot, and turnip. Fluidity, elastici
ty, and mobility of the lipid bilayer, as well as the chilling tolerance of
vacuolar membranes of higher plants, are suggested to be caused by a high
content of polyunsaturated fatty acids.